10 must-watch movies about Artificial Intelligence

10 Films About Artificial Intelligence Worth Knowing

If there's one field that cinema has always been fascinated by, it's artificial intelligence. From the most alarming scenarios to the story of machines that have experienced the complexities of human life, there have been many feature films that have looked at the subject, imagining possible futures and advances in AI.

Photo: Warner Bros., MGM and Netflix / Canaltech

Algumas dessas histórias se tornaram clássicos, como é o caso do filme 2001 – Uma Odisseia no Espaço, lançado em 1968 e dirigido por Stanley Kubrick (O Iluminado). Marco dos filmes de ficção científica, ele imortalizou o supercomputador HAL 9000, servindo como inspiração para muitas outras tramas em que as máquinas se voltavam contra os humanos.

Cena de 2001 – Uma Odisseia no Espaço (Imagem: Divulgação/MGM)

Photo: Canaltech

More recently, but also much talked about for its look at people's relationship with operating systems, 2013's Her is another title that delighted audiences and critics when it was released. The film, which won many awards, poetically portrays the story of a lonely man who falls in love with his virtual assistant.

There's also the little-known but very interesting Jung_E. A South Korean production, it imagines a dystopian future in which the Earth has become uninhabitable due to climate change and a researcher decides to clone her mother's brain into an army of robot warriors.

To find out about these and other unmissable titles on the subject, Canaltech has put together a list of 10 films about Artificial Intelligence that are worth seeing. All of them are available on streaming or digital platforms for purchase and rental.

10. 2001 – Uma Odisseia no Espaço


Um dos mais importantes filmes do gênero, 2001 – Uma Odisseia no Espaço é um longa-metragem de ficção científica, parcialmente baseado no conto The Sentinel de Arthur C. Clarke. Lembrado até hoje por sua sonoplastia, trilha sonora e questões existencialistas, ele ficou famoso também na literatura, por ter um livro de mesmo nome desenvolvido em conjunto com o longa-metragem.

Indicado a quatro estatuetas do Oscar, o título segue os passos de David Bowman, um astronauta enviado com sua equipe para Júpiter para investigar um misterioso monolito, que parece emitir sinais de uma civilização extraterrestre. No caminho, no entanto, o computador integrado a sua nave muda de “comportamento”, tentando assumir o controle da Discovery e eliminar seus tripulantes.

2001 – Uma Odisseia no Espaço está disponível para compra e locação na Amazon, Google Play e Microsoft Store.

9. Resistance


Visually stunning, Resistance is a sci-fi action epic co-created and directed by Gareth Edwards (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story). Released in theaters in 2023, it takes place in the year 2070, fifteen years after an artificial intelligence, originally created to protect human beings, rebels and detonates a nuclear warhead in Los Angeles, USA.

With impressive visual and sound effects, which earned the film two Oscar nominations, the title is set in this apocalyptic scenario, in which a former agent is recruited to kill the creator of a weapon capable of wiping out humanity. The problem is that on his journey to protect the Earth, the protagonist makes a discovery that could disrupt his plans: the threat is nothing less than an AI in the form of a child.

Resistance can be seen on Star+.

8. Avengers: Age of Ultron

Até mesmo os filmes de super-heróis já enveredaram pelo mundo da inteligência artificial. Vingadores: Era de Ultron, segundo filme da saga dos Vingadores e décima quinta maior bilheteria da história do cinema, é um título de 2015 responsável por combinar a força dos heróis da Marvel com uma pitada de sci-fi – e uma história que mostra, mais uma vez, as máquinas se voltando contra os humanos.


Directed by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), the feature film revolves around Tony Stark, when the billionaire industrialist decides to create an AI that will serve as armor for the world, thus bringing world peace. Everything goes wrong, however, when the project gives birth to Ultron, a supervillainous robot that leads the Avengers team into action to protect humanity.

Avengers: Age of Ultron is part of the Disney+ catalog.

7. Matrix


Another movie classic, The Matrix is a 1999 film directed by sisters Lily and Lana Wachowski (Speed Racer). A title in the cyberpunk genre that entered pop culture, it became known for its choreographed fight scenes and the slow-motion effect, called bullet time, which it immortalized in several of its scenes.

Starring Keanu Reeves, the film tells the story of Neo, a programmer tormented by strange dreams, who begins to doubt the world around him. When he meets Morpheus and Trinity, he discovers he is in the Matrix, an AI system that has created an illusory reality and exploits his real body and brain. Brought back to consciousness, Neo then goes to war against the machines and is identified as the messiah who can save humanity.

The Matrix can be watched on Max.

6. Her


Award-winning romantic drama by Spike Jonze (Adaptation), winner of the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, Her is a 2013 feature film starring Joaquin Phoenix (Joker). Written before ChatGPT existed, but inspired by the first instant messaging programs between humans and AIs, the film has a touch of autobiography with parts inspired by Jonze's divorce from filmmaker Sofia Coppola.

Ambientado em um futuro próximo, o filme conta a história de Theodore, um homem solitário e recém-divorciado, que decide comprar um sistema operacional com uma assistente virtual programada para evoluir psicologicamente. Ao acioná-lo e trazer à tona Samantha, a voz feminina que “dá vida” à máquina, Theodore acaba se encantando pela IA e se apaixonando irreversivelmente por ela.

It is available on Amazon Prime Video.

5. M3GAN

A horror and science fiction feature film with hints of macabre humor, M3GAN is a film by Gerard Johnston (Housebound) and was released in 2022. Already renewed for a sequel, due to hit theaters in 2025, it was a box-office success for its production value, gaining special attention from the public after its trailer went viral on social media.


Estrelada por Allison Williams (Corra!) e pela estreante Violeta McGraw, a produção conta a história de Cady, uma garotinha de oito anos que após perder os pais e ir morar com sua tia Gemma, é presentada pela roboticista com a boneca M3GAN, um robô humanoide que tem como função protegê-la. O problema é que conforme se apega mais a Cady, M3GAN passa a encontrar “ameaças” em todos os lugares, destruindo qualquer coisa ou pessoa que apareça em seu caminho.

M3GAN is in the Max and Telecine catalogs.

4. Young_E


The only South Korean production on the list, Jung_E is a Netflix original directed by Yeon Sang-ho (Zombie Invasion). A science fiction title that made it into the top 10 in 80 countries where the streaming service operates, it was the last production of actress Kang Soo-yeon, who died before the film was released.

Set in the year 2194, when due to a lack of resources part of humanity is living in space shelters, the film tells the story of Yun Seo-hyun, a researcher whose mother, a legendary mercenary, fell into a coma when she was a child. Now an adult and willing to honor her legacy, Yun leads a project to clone her mother's brain and create a combat artificial intelligence with all her abilities.

Jung_E is available on Netflix.

3. A.I. – Inteligência Artificial


Por questões óbvias, um dos filmes mais lembrados quando o assunto são produções sobre IA, A.I. – Inteligência Artificial é um título dirigido por Steven Spielberg vagamente inspirado no conto Supertoys Last All Summer Long de Brian Aldiss. Lançado em 2001, a produção demorou anos para sair do papel, sendo originalmente desenvolvida pelo diretor Stanley Kubrick.

Starring Haley Joel Osment (The Sixth Sense) and Jude Law (Fantastic Beasts), the film is set in the 22nd century, when, due to global warming and a reduction in the world's population, robots have been created to replace humans. In this context, we follow the journey of David, a prototype child capable of experiencing love, acquired by a couple whose son has contracted a rare disease.

A.I. – Inteligência Artificial está disponível para compra e locação na Amazon e Google Play.

2. The Bicentennial Man

Starring Robin Williams (Dead Poets Society) in one of his most memorable movie performances, The Bicentennial Man is a science fiction comedy released in 1999. Directed by Chris Columbus (Forget Me Not), it is based on the novel The Positronic Man, a work written by acclaimed sci-fi author Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg.


Released at the end of the decade, close to the millennium bug, the movie follows the steps of Andrew, a robot bought by a nice American family, whose job is to carry out small household chores. However, as the years go by and Andrew adapts to everyday life, the AI begins to display traits such as curiosity and a personality of its own, which sets the robot on a journey to become as close to a human being as possible.

The Bicentennial Man is available to buy and rent on Amazon, Google Play and iTunes.

1.Blade Runner 2049


Épico neo-noir dirigido por Denis Villeneuve (Duna), Blade Runner 2049 é uma sequência do clássico filme de ficção científica, Blade Runner – título que, por sua vez, é baseado no romance Androides Sonham com Ovelhas Elétricas? de Philip K. Dick. Lançado mais de 30 anos após sua produção original, ele pode ser assistido como uma história independente, que explora temas tecnológicos diferentes ligados à ecologia e realidade virtual.

Starring Ryan Gosling (Barbie) and featuring Harrison Ford (Star Wars), the protagonist of the first film, the feature revolves around K, a replicant policeman ordered to hunt down the rebels of his species. One day, K discovers that a replicant has had a child and even though he is sent to eliminate the child, he sets off in search of answers about the shocking revelation.

Blade Runner 2049 can be seen on Netflix.

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