5 Inconsistencies in Seinfeld That Will Surprise You (and 5 Fan Theories That Will Convince You)

"Analysis of the Inconsistencies and Theories of Seinfeld Fans"


In Seinfeld, George and Jerry, despite their unrealistic characteristics and childish behavior, date attractive women. Elaine, the most sensible, hangs out with self-centered male friends, even though she shows contempt for them. Fan theories offer intriguing insights into Seinfeld, clarifying inconsistencies and mysteries within the series.

Known as the series about nothing, Seinfeld has generated many theories over the years, as well as presenting aspects that simply don't make sense. Seinfeld revolutionized sitcoms in the 1990s by showing that sitcoms didn't need to have lovable, kind characters or teachable moments. Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David approached Seinfeld with the sole rule that it had to be funny all the time.

This unique approach made Seinfeld one of the best TV shows in history, but it also brought with it some peculiar concepts. Some of these ideas were funny at first glance, but fell apart logically upon closer examination. Other aspects of the series inspired fans to come up with their own ideas, resulting in some clever and plausible theories. When it came to the love lives, careers and life situations of Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer, there were some things that didn't make sense and others that could be explained through some of these interesting theories.

Things that don't make sense

George and Jerry's attractive girlfriends

As in most comedies, relationships were important in Seinfeld and responsible for much of the humor. Jerry and George seemed to be dating a new girl every week, only to break up at the end of the episode due to Jerry and George's strange reservations or because the women realized their immaturity and abandoned them. Although it provided some great moments of awkward flirting, there was no reason why Jerry and George were able to convince these beautiful women to date them in the first place.

Elaine being friends with the boys

The main characters in Seinfeld are deeply flawed people, but Elaine is seen as the most reasonable by far. She can be angry and aggressive at times, but she is also much more responsible and open-minded. She seems to realize this too, as she constantly shows frustration and disappointment with the behaviour of her male friends. This raises the question of why Elaine continues to hang out with these people she despises.

Things level out inconsistently for Jerry

The end of Season 5 of Seinfeld explained an interesting concept about Jerry's life: that everything always works out for him. When one of his stand-up shows is canceled, he immediately gets a call for a new one. When Elaine throws a US$ 20 note out of the window, he finds another one in his pocket. He even points out that when George's life starts to get better, Elaine's gets worse to balance things out.

George stopping with the opposite theory

Just as Jerry discovered that his life would stay the same no matter what, George discovered his own life hack that brought him great success. Realizing that all his life instincts had led him astray, he decides to start embracing the opposite of everything he would normally do. The results were also instantaneous, as George ended up with several girlfriends, got a job with the New York Yankees and finally left his parents' house to keep his own.

Kramer's name has been unknown for years

A lot happened when Cosmo Kramer's first name was found at the end of the series by George, and Jerry mentioned that he never got to know it, despite being friends with Kramer for 10 years. It was a funny joke in the series, since Kramer was only introduced as Kramer in the beginning and the unique name matched his quirky personality. Although the mystery behind the name also sounds like something Kramer would do, there are cases where his name would certainly have been revealed.

Theories that make sense

The trial was in the afterlife

The Seinfeld series finale was one of the most controversial TV finales of all time. The episode shows the four being tried for doing nothing to help when a man was being mugged in the street. The trial sees many of the series' previous characters testifying against them, with the final guilty verdict sentencing them to a year in prison. Although it's a strange ending, the fan theory gives a different perspective on it.

Jerry's friends only see him once in a while

One of the greatest aspects of the show is Jerry's friends breaking into his apartment and telling him stories about their daily lives. They do this constantly, complaining about their work, trying to resolve a new complicated dating situation or looking for support in their latest social blunders. Although it seems that these characters have nothing better to do in their lives, one theory suggests that this has to do with Jerry's busy schedule.

The narcissism of the characters was the result of a mental breakdown

The fact that Seinfeld embraced the more unpleasant aspects of its characters was always one of the best parts of the series and what made it seem like a daring comedy. However, although the series was willing to show the uglier side of these characters from the start, they got much worse over time. Their petty and self-centered ways increased exponentially throughout the series, until they landed them in prison.

Jerry is also a loser

As the main character in the series, it's no surprise that he is often portrayed in the best light among the four main characters. While the others go from one job to another, live with their parents and complain about all the things that go wrong in their lives, Jerry has made a solid living from his career as a comedian, lives in his own apartment and is the judge of his friends for his many failures.

The real reason Newman hates Jerry

One of Seinfeld's best recurring characters was Newman. Serving as a kind of villain of the show, Jerry and Newman don't like each other. The running joke of them greeting each other with total disdain is always funny, even if it's never quite clear why they hate each other so much. Although there is clearly something between them that inspires this hostility, a fan theory gives a surprisingly charming reason for their hatred.

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