• Technology and IT

The 10 Best Cooking Apps in the World

Gastronomy is a global passion, and with the advancement of technology, cooking apps have revolutionized the way…

  • Utilities and General Tips

What Our Nails Tell Us About Our Health

If there are signs that should not be ignored, they are those exposed by our body. Changes in your nails, for example, can…

  • Utilities and General Tips

How to Make Kefir at Home: A Probiotic Food that Helps Improve Digestion!

Do you know what kefir is? Many people unfortunately still don't know and have never had this extraordinary drink. Kefir is…

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  • Utilities and General Tips

This Boy Went Blind Because of a Toy Many People Have at Home!

As a pediatrician and father of a young child, I have a responsibility not only to take care of the health of children in…

  • Hair and nails
  • Homemade Tips

HOW TO KILL NAIL FUNGUS ? Simple Home Remedy

HOW TO KILL NAIL FUNGUS? Simple Home Remedy Onychomycosis, the clinical name for fungal infection in the…

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  • Homemade Tips

The bathroom is always fresh and clean. All you need is...

Hey, guys! Today I'm going to share a very practical tip for keeping the bathroom clean and smelling pleasant. Why…

  • Homemade Tips

Wrap your feet in aluminum foil and wait for 1 hour! What happens next will surprise you!

Aluminum foil isn't just for cooking! Aluminum foil is the staple of every kitchen…

  • Diet

UN DIET - lasts 90 days and you'll lose 15 to 25 kilos!

A famosa dieta UN é um enorme sucesso e saudável! A dieta UN  é bastante famosa e temos ouvido um monte…

  • Physical Exercises

Do you know how much you need to walk to start losing weight?

Aprenda quanto caminhar para começar a perder peso! Como você provavelmente já sabe, caminhar  está entre os tipos mais eficientes…

  • Health Tips

A magic recipe to treat varicose veins and even thrombosis with just 2 simple ingredients.

Varizes e até  trombose podem ser tratatos com 2 ingredientes! Varizes e até trombose, são 2 problemas estéticos comums, que podem…