Artificial intelligence is not related to intelligence

Computer engineer warns: ChatGPT is not efficient for programming, says expert at international conference

Computer engineer Bertrand Meyer has caused controversy once again by claiming that ChatGPT is not capable of efficient programming. In an interview during the International Conference on Software Engineering in Lisbon, Meyer explained why AI systems are more effective at finding bugs than at creating original code.

According to Meyer, generative AI models such as ChatGPT are excellent in areas such as machine translation and image analysis, but fail when it comes to writing perfect, logical code. He argues that programming requires precision and logic, something that current AI tools cannot offer.

The French professor reiterates his position that LLMs, such as ChatGPT, are not capable of creating genuine original programs, but only of copying and pasting code from other sources, resulting in buggy and unusable code.

Meyer highlights the importance of AI as an auxiliary tool for programmers, especially in bug detection and software testing. However, he points out that human beings are still superior to machines when it comes to creativity and the ability to correct errors.

Despite the advantages of AI, Meyer warns against relying too much on machines and neglecting the human skills that are essential for programming. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between the use of AI and human skills in the creation of quality software.

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