'Barrados' actress reveals that her private parts remain young due to 5 caesarean sections: 'They're intact at 14' | Celebrities

Actress Tori Spelling and her five children: A story of overcoming and motherhood

Actress Tori Spelling surprised listeners to her podcast by revealing intimate details about her body after giving birth to her five children by caesarean section. The 50-year-old celebrity said that her gynecologist complimented her private parts, comparing them to those of a 14-year-old girl, due to their integrity after the surgeries.

Tori Spelling, conhecida por seu papel na série ‘Barrados no Baile’, teve seus cinco filhos durante seu casamento com o ator Dean McDermott. O casal, que está em processo de divórcio, teve Liam, Stella, Hattie, Finn e Beau ao longo dos 17 anos de união.

In addition to sharing details about her personal life, Spelling has also faced financial challenges in recent years, even being caught living in a motel and a trailer park. Recently, after making peace with her millionaire mother, she moved with her children into a house with a monthly rent of US$ 15 thousand.

A atriz, que começou sua carreira aos 17 anos em ‘Barrados no Baile’, continua a surpreender seus fãs com sua jornada pessoal e profissional.

Wilian Alencar: