Check out the day's main news on public tenders!

Public Tenders News: Stay up to date!

Anyone studying for public tenders knows that, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's sometimes difficult to stay on top of the news at all times, especially when we take into account that information about public tenders and announcements of exams is constantly coming out.

Every day, public service bodies and municipalities move internally with a view to making a new selection.

Have you ever thought that you might come across some very important information about the job you want to enter and miss it?

But don't worry, if you're with us, that won't happen anymore! In this article, we've put together a compilation of the main competition news that came out today.

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PLEASE NOTE: this article is updated daily from Monday to Friday!

The main news of the day (23/04)

Top news of the day: Tax Tenders

ISS BH Competition

The objective and discursive tests for the ISS BH (Belo Horizonte Municipal Finance Department) competition have been postponed to June 9.

Top news of the day: Court Tenders

TJCE competition

It seems that new notices for the TJ CE (Ceará Court of Justice) competition will be published soon.

TJ MT confrontation

The Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) has been chosen as the organizing body for the next TJ MT (Mato Grosso Court of Justice) competition.

Top news of the day: Police competitions

BA Criminal Police Competition

On Tuesday, April 23rd, the summary of the Call for Tenders for the hiring of the organizing body for the next public tender for the Bahia Criminal Police (SEAP BA) was published.

Nova Lima Guard Competition

The public notice for the Nova Lima Guard competition, a municipality located in the state of Minas Gerais, has been published, offering 100 vacancies.

Top news of the day: Legislative Tenders

Araripina City Council Competition

The competition notice for the Araripina City Council, a municipality located in the state of Pernambuco, has been published, offering 18 immediate vacancies and 11 for reserve positions.

Top news of the day: Legal contests

PGE GO Public Prosecutor Competition

The regulations for the 15th public competition for entry into the career of State Attorney of Goiás have been published. In addition, the composition of the organizing committee for the competition, which will offer 10 substitute state attorney positions, has been announced.

National Judicial Exam

The National School for the Training and Improvement of Magistrates (ENFAM) and the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) have announced that the tests for candidates from the municipality of Manaus/AM will be retaken on May 19.

PGM Competition Campinas SP

The Superior Council of the Attorney General's Office of the Municipality of Campinas SP gave its approval and the Attorney General sent a request for the competition to be held.

Top News of the Day: Administrative Tenders and Others

MPO competition

The MPO (Ministry of Planning and Budget) exams will be held on April 28, in two shifts. In total, 12,763 candidates signed up to take part in the selection, with the most popular specialty being General, with 9,193 registrations.

SEMAE Piracicaba competition

After the expiry of the validity period of the last competition (two years), new notices for the SEMAE Piracicaba (Municipal Water and Sewage Service) competition, in São Paulo, have been published.

Unified Competition

The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Ricardo Lewandowski, has authorized the National Force to take part in the tests for the Unified National Public Competition (CPNU). The idea is to ensure greater security for candidates.

Monte Alto Competition SP

The public tender notice for the Municipality of Monte Alto, São Paulo, has been published. The event offers 103 immediate vacancies plus the formation of a reserve list for various positions.

FUNSAU MS Competition

With the exams duly administered on April 21, the preliminary results of this stage of the FUNSAU MS (Fundação Serviços de Saúde de Mato Grosso do Sul) competition have been released.

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