Alert: Consumption of "Chia Seeds" may cause death through intestinal occlusion"

Chia seeds can cause death if consumed in the wrong way!

Every day more and more people are looking for ways to lose weight and the consumption of chia seeds (Salvia hispanica) has increased a lot as a result.

Many are its nutritional properties?

  • cálcio
  • omega 3
  • magnesium
  • manganês
  • fibers
  • antioxidants capable of helping detoxification
  • reduced anxiety and stress
  • lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • slow down ageing
  • strengthens muscles
  • prevent cardiovascular disease

This seed has emerged as a true "miracle" for health.

It really is incredible, but like everything that looks so good, the wrong use can also cause problems.

You have to be very careful with your consumption.

This is because chia seeds have an enormous capacity to absorb liquid.

Its weight can expand up to 7 times!

This has already driven many regular chia drinkers to hospitals.

The greatest danger lies in consuming dried chia seeds!

There is a risk to your life if you don't pay attention and understand what we're talking about.

Let's look at some examples:

In the USA, a 39-year-old man consumed just one spoonful of dried chia and drank water afterwards.

He ended up in hospital because the grain, on contact with water, expanded and collapsed in his esophagus.

chia seeds

This blocked his digestive tract and even made it difficult for him to breathe.

if he hadn't been rescued in time he could have been in serious danger.

According to the American Nina Manolsonhealth consultant:

If the seed is not left in some liquid before consumption, so that it can expand sufficiently with the retention of the liquid, when it comes into contact with the liquid inside the body, an occlusion can occur.

Rebeca Rawl  made a study called "The Impact of Chia Seed on the Esophagus".

In it, she explains that dried chia should never be consumed without consulting a doctor, for various reasons.

Among them, there are risk groups such as:

  • hypertensive patients (especially those on medication), as the seed lowers blood pressure, causing hypotension; hypotensive patients, who, according to a study by the St. Michael's Hospitalin Toronto, Canada, may experience headaches, tiredness and excessive sleep due to lower blood pressure;
  • people taking anticoagulants, due to the omega 3 in chia, which enhances the effect of the medication;
  • hemophiliacs and may experience bleeding and bruising all over the body;
  • diabetics, which, when combined with insulin, intensifies the reduction in blood sugar;
  • people who have had an operation on their gastrointestinal tract, because it intensifies local activities; and finally, people with diarrhea, for the same reason as above.

But most importantly, it has been proven so far that under no circumstances should it be eaten dry.

Pay attention and if in doubt consult your doctor.

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Source: Science Newspaper

1 thought on “Alerta: Consumo de “Sementes de Chia” pode Causar a Morte Através de Oclusão Intestinal””

  1. Pingback: Alert: Consumption of "Chia Seeds" Can Cause Death Through Intestinal Occlusion" | VC BELA

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