Competitiveness is a priority in the telecommunications sector, stands out among the legislation.

2024 Connectivity Legislative Agenda: Priorities for the Telecommunications Sector

Conexis Brasil Digital presented the 2024 Connectivity Legislative Agenda to the National Congress on Tuesday (23), with the aim of defining the telecommunications sector's legislative priorities for the coming year. The document presents proposals and bills aimed at boosting the expansion of connectivity, promoting digital inclusion and contributing to the country's economic and social development.

The launch of the agenda was attended by various authorities in the sector, such as the Minister of Communications, Juscelino Filho, and representatives of commissions and regulatory agencies. Among the main points addressed in the agenda is the promotion of a competitive ecosystem, which seeks to guarantee a level playing field for all companies operating in the telecommunications sector.

The CEO of Conexis Brasil Digital, Marcos Ferrari, stressed the importance of regulatory symmetry in order to maintain the high levels of investment in the sector, which amount to around R$ 40 billion a year. In addition, the agenda highlights the need for flexible, principles-based regulation for Artificial Intelligence, in order to avoid restrictions that could inhibit innovation in the country.

Another point addressed in the agenda is tax reform, which should simplify the national tax system and ensure fair taxation for the telecommunications sector. In addition, the agenda highlights the importance of projects related to telecommunications infrastructure, such as the fight against cable theft, the ordering and sharing of poles and the installation of antennas.

Last year, millions of people were left without access to telecom services due to criminal actions involving cable theft. The sector advocates the implementation of stricter laws to combat these crimes and guarantee the security of the telecommunications infrastructure.

In summary, the 2024 Connectivity Legislative Agenda presents proposals and bills aimed at boosting the telecommunications sector, promoting digital inclusion and contributing to the country's development, highlighting the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to achieve these goals.

Wilian Alencar:
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