5 amazing things you can do with a saucepan.

A saucepan isn't just for making food!

We believe that everyone reading this post now has a saucepan in their home!

Most people have always used this household utensil for cooking.

But in times of need, it's very good to know that they can be used for other things.

Or are you one of those who would only use them for cooking?

Don't get upset. You're like the vast majority.

Very few people know what else to do with this item.

Here are five amazing things you can do with a simple pot with a handle.


1. Easy peeling of hard-boiled eggs

Boiled eggs are delicious. It's just the shell that's a bit annoying.

Fortunately, there's a simple trick that puts an end to this problem.

First, cook the eggs as usual to the consistency you prefer.


Then discard the hot water. Leave the eggs in the pan and add cold water. Leave to cool until you can grip all sides of the pan.


Now put the lid back on the pot.

Hold it firmly closed and shake it vigorously with the water and eggs inside.

When you remove the lid, the shells should come off easily. If not, repeat the process.


2. Hang up your wooden spoon

Everyone has been in this situation: you cook your soup or sauce, mix it well and can't wait to eat it.

But what if you want to put the spoon away and you don't have a plate within reach?

The pan was designed to solve this problem too.

Did you know that most pans have a hole in the handle for exactly this purpose?


3. Making crushed ice

What's better than ending the day with a cold drink in your hands? Many people put ice cubes in their drinks.

However, they are not as efficient as crushed ice, which disperses the cold more evenly and for longer. You can also use your pan to make crushed ice.


Put the ice cubes in a plastic bag. Now it's time to get a bit violent: break the ice using the bottom of the pan until they are evenly broken.

The advantage of this is that you work with a large flat surface and break the cubes evenly.


Now add the ice to the drink, perhaps with a lemon, and enjoy!


4. Ironing

Ironing can be a nightmare. You don't have to do it every day, but sometimes it's necessary.


But what do you do when you have to go to an important meeting where you can't wear a wrinkled shirt and you don't have an iron, or yours is broken?

You take a saucepan, of course! First, boil some water in it.

Meanwhile, open the garment you want to iron on a board and splash some water on it.

Then remove the pan of water from the heat and simply use it as an iron.

The concept is the same, and it works wonderfully well.

Swipe gently so that the water doesn't splash on your hand, or put the lid on the pot.


5. Peel garlic

Yes, garlic is delicious. But garlic is also a pain to peel and your fingers get stinky in the process.


This trick is similar to the egg trick. Put the garlic in a saucepan and cover.


You don't need to add water here. Just shake the pan long enough for the peel to come off and the garlic cloves to separate from the head.

This can be done without much effort, but the best part is that your hands won't smell!


Fantastic! Who would have thought a saucepan could be so useful?

This will make things much easier in the kitchen and around the house.

Take a look at all these cool tricks in the following video:

[youtube id="IFHtGODZOXA" width="600″ height="340″ position="left"]

Source: Youtube/Dave Hax – Source: The Sagaz

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