Debaters defend the need to improve firearms control in the Senate

Regulation of ammunition and weapons is crucial for public safety, say public hearing participants

The regulation of ammunition and the carrying of firearms is crucial for public safety in Brazil, where more than 40,000 violent deaths occur every year, most of them caused by firearms. At a public hearing in the Public Security Committee, senators discussed the recent changes to the Disarmament Statute and the challenges faced in the inspection and control of weapons, ammunition and explosives in the country.

Among the changes discussed are reducing the number of weapons and ammunition available to civilians, differentiating between weapons for the exclusive use of security agencies and those allowed for the general public, and gradually transferring responsibility for civilian activities related to weapons and ammunition to the Federal Police.

During the debate, the need for more efficient inspection was highlighted, with alarming data revealing failures in background checks on individuals who own registered weapons, as well as problems in granting authorizations for firearms-related activities.

Representatives from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the Federal Police stressed the importance of adequate control and supervision, while the Army emphasized the need to meet the interests of the public policy defined by the Executive and Legislative branches.

The debate also addressed the issue of arms possession for members of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Judiciary, raising concerns about the safety of these professionals in the face of the restrictions imposed by the new regulations.

Amid a scenario of polarization and radicalism, the senators emphasized the importance of differentiating the possession of weapons for the protection of life, while at the same time stressing the need for stricter control over access to firearms. The search for solutions to improve regulation and guarantee the safety of the population was the central focus of the public hearing.

Wilian Alencar: