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Seduc implements integrated security and connectivity solution in Sergipe state schools

The State Secretariat for Education and Culture (Seduc) is implementing an innovative security and integrated connectivity solution in schools across the Sergipe state network. With the aim of providing secure high-speed internet access in school environments, the initiative has already been implemented in 110 schools and its target is to reach 50% of the network by the end of the year.

Through management tools, Seduc monitors the safe and responsible use of the internet and devices in schools, guaranteeing the protection of user data in accordance with the General Data Protection Act (LGPD). In addition, investments are planned to restructure computer labs, purchase new equipment and promote the training of education professionals in the use of digital technologies.

This initiative is part of a series of actions by the Sergipe government to modernize teaching in the state's public schools, including the expansion, restructuring and maintenance of Digital Information and Communication Technology (DICT) laboratories. With 256 laboratories in operation, the state stands out on the national scene for adopting hybrid and innovative teaching methodologies.

In addition, partnerships with institutions such as the Paramitas Institute and the Telefônica Vivo Foundation have enabled the implementation of programs such as Mala Digital, which aims to train students and teachers in the productive use of technology. These actions aim to prepare students for future challenges and career opportunities in the job market, promoting equal access to educational technology.

With ongoing investments in technology and training, the Government of Sergipe is reaffirming its commitment to integrating new technologies into public education, providing opportunities to develop essential digital skills and preparing students for today's digital world.

Wilian Alencar:
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