Here are some celebrities who have lost weight and how they did it

Kaley Cuoco

Actress Kaley Cuoco, most famous for playing the character Penny in the series The Big Bang Theory, posed for the cover and cover of the most recent issue of Women's Health magazine and opened up about fitness and plastic surgeries she has undergone. .

“As much as you want to love your inner self, I'm sorry, but I also want to feel beautiful on the outside,” she began. “Years ago, I had my nose surgery. And my breasts, I just have to say that it was the best thing I've ever done. I recently had fillers in a line that had been on my neck since I was 12 years old”, said the blonde.

With her toned belly on display, Kaley said that all the surgical interventions were done to make her feel good about herself. “I don’t think it should be done because of a man or anyone else. If that gives you confidence, I think it’s wonderful”, considered the actress.

To keep her figure up to date, Kaley said she has tried many things to stay in shape, but it took her a while to find her way. “I tried spinning, running, yoga, pilates. I don't like running, I refuse. But I like spinning, so I have to mix. I fell in love with hot yoga [done in rooms under high temperatures, which promises to burn up to 1000 calories per session]. I found myself”, celebrated Kaley. Bazinga!

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