High Cost Pharmacy now accepts prescriptions with digital signature

High Cost Pharmacy now accepts prescription with digital signature: New regulation by SES

Jundiaí's High Cost Pharmacy is now accepting prescriptions with a digital signature, a new feature that will make it easier for users to access high-cost medicines. The measure was regulated by the State Health Department and aims to speed up the process of prescribing and dispensing medicines.

According to the service's manager, Fabiana Ronque, it is important to note that an electronic prescription with a digital signature should not be confused with a digitized prescription, which is a scanned copy of a prescription issued manually. To clarify any doubts, users can access the technical note on the City Hall website.

The list of high-cost medicines and the forms for requesting the components are also available on the website. The drug dispensing service facilitates collection from the distribution center of the Campinas Regional Health Directorate and delivery to the unit in Rua Marechal Deodoro da Fonseca.

For questions and additional information, the High Cost Pharmacy can be reached via Whatsapp Business at 11-4431-6558 and 11-4431-6568, and only text messages are accepted.

This change represents a step forward in the area of health and accessibility to high-cost medicines, providing more convenience and agility for users. The Jundiaí High-Cost Pharmacy reinforces its commitment to guaranteeing access to the medicines needed to treat patients.

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