Highlights of Paris Fashion Week Winter 2024: Make-up and hair in the spotlight

The brands that stood out in terms of make-up and hair during Paris Fashion Week Winter 2024

Paris Fashion Week brought the winter 2024 show season to a close with a show of beauty and style. Renowned brands such as Chanel, Dior, Schiaparelli, Valentino, Givenchy and Duran Lantink shone with their innovative make-up and hair proposals.

Chanel brought the charm of Deauville with dots of color in the inner corners of the eyes, while Schiaparelli surprised by bleaching the models' eyebrows. Dior opted for vibrant colors, especially pink. Duran Lantink opted for simple but striking make-up, with matte skin and reddish brown lipstick.

Valentino didn't leave out black, bringing vinyl mouths in contrast to the dark pieces in the show. And Givenchy went for a chic and romantic look, with cat eyes, coral lipstick and illuminated skin.

The Paris fashion show season was marked by a variety of styles and trends in make-up and hair, showing the diversity and creativity of the designers and make-up artists involved. For more exclusive, multimedia content, subscribe to ELLE View, our monthly digital magazine for subscribers.

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