HOW TO KILL NAIL FUNGUS ? Simple Home Remedy

HOW TO KILL NAIL FUNGUS ? Simple Home Remedy

Onychomycosis, the clinical name for nail fungus infection, is a condition with complicated treatment and an embarrassing appearance. It is usually treated with medication by professionals, but some people claim that it is possible to treat it with vinegar. There are no scientific studies on the success of this method, however

1 - Buy a bottle of vinegar. Don't worry about the brand or type, it is believed that the pH of vinegar is the agent that destroys fungi.

* Some available methods claim that you should use vinegar one day and a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide the next.

2 - Cut and file your nails. The area should be very clean before using home remedies or professionally prescribed medication. A well-trimmed nail will allow the treatment to penetrate further into the area.

* Trimming your nails can also considerably reduce the pain and discomfort of the situation.

* Be careful not to cut the nail too much and end up jamming it into the skin.

Clean the equipment used to cut and file the nail after use.

3 - Put the vinegar in a large bowl and mix it with an equal part of hot water. Soak the foot in the solution for half an hour once or twice a day.

Try applying vinegar to the affected areas.

The longer the infection is exposed to vinegar, the better the results will be.

A visible improvement should appear within a week or two.

4 - Let your nails dry completely before putting on socks or shoes. Don't leave the area damp, as this increases the proliferation of fungus and allows it to spread.

* Try to keep your feet dry and cool at all times.

* Fungi love warm and humid environments.

5 - Keep a close eye on the nail and keep it clean. Cut and clean your nails frequently and don't use a nail scraper until the infection is under control, as it can help spread the fungus. Keep an eye on the progression of the infection to find out whether the treatment is working or not.

* See a doctor if the infection worsens.

* Apply tea tree oil or snakeweed extract if vinegar isn't working.

Preventing nail fungus

* Maintain a good hygiene and foot care routine. Keeping your feet clean and well cared for will reduce the chances of an infection. A few simple preventative measures can prevent you from encountering these fungi.

* Following preventive measures can avoid the appearance of nail fungus.

* Wear sandals or slippers in public areas. Never go barefoot.

* Wash your feet thoroughly every day.

Keep your feet dry and cool.

* Excess heat and humidity can encourage the growth of nail fungus. Give preference to socks and shoes that allow the foot to "breathe" more easily. Only wear clean socks, as dirty or sweaty ones can contain fungal spores.[11]

* Only wear shoes that fit your foot size.

* Throw away shoes that were worn during the infection.

Wilian Alencar:
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