How can the technological disparity in public schools be reduced?

Challenges and solutions: student access to technological resources in public schools

Students' access to technological resources is still a challenge in Brazil's public schools. According to the 2023 School Census carried out by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Anísio Teixeira National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (Inep), the majority of public schools in the country have access to the internet, but the use of more advanced technologies is still limited.

The survey revealed that only a small percentage of municipal, state and federal schools have digital whiteboards and tablets for students. These technological devices are essential for providing more immersive educational experiences and reducing inequality in learning.

To meet this challenge, the Bel Micro Education project has made a name for itself by building 100% technology classrooms in public schools. These classrooms have tablets for students, laptops and interactive screens for teachers, as well as training, special software and satellite internet.

Schools that have already joined the project, such as the Monsenhor Manoel Cândido Municipal School in Baturité, Ceará, and the São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo Educational Center in Minas Gerais, have seen positive results. The students have access to a world of possibilities and new learning opportunities.

Bel Micro Education's initiative has been praised by education experts, who stress the importance of providing equal access to technology in the school environment. With more schools interested in the action, the expectation is that more students will be able to benefit from these innovations and transform their learning experiences.

Wilian Alencar:
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