IFBA student from Ilhéus stands out in national technology program

IFBA Campus Ilhéus student selected for Young Tech Talent program

Iago Alves Dias, a 15-year-old student at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia - IFBA Campus Ilhéus, was selected to take part in the Jovem Talento Tech program, a program to accelerate the development of talented young people interested in technology. With a curriculum full of medals in knowledge Olympiads and fluency in several languages, Iago stood out among more than 700 young people from all over Brazil who took part in the selection process.

The program, which had two selection stages, is looking for young people from the 9th year of primary school to the 3rd year of secondary school who are interested in innovating and making an impact in Brazil through technology. With criteria such as excellent academic performance, proactivity in programming and knowledge of English and mathematics, Iago stood out and was one of 30 students selected to take part in the program.

For Iago's parents, Débora Alves dos Santos and Cícero de Mattos Dias, seeing their son recognized for his efforts in his studies is a source of great pride. They say that they have always encouraged Iago's dedication to his studies, trying to balance learning with moments of leisure and socializing.

The coordinator of the Computer Science Technical Course at the IFBA Ilhéus Campus, Professor Dr. Romeu Viana, stresses the importance of having a student like Iago at the institution and emphasizes the commitment to maintaining the quality of teaching in order to continue attracting brilliant minds. With Iago's participation in the Young Tech Talent program, the hope is that he can inspire other young people to follow the same path of excellence and innovation in the field of technology.

Wilian Alencar:
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