Increase in dengue cases despite reinforced actions to combat the disease

Actions against dengue in Jundiaí: increase in cases and intensified combat measures

The city of Jundiaí is facing a worrying increase in dengue cases, despite the daily efforts to combat the disease. According to the latest data, there has been a 27% increase in cases since the last bulletin, totaling 1,246 occurrences. The Ivoturucaia neighborhood is the most affected, with 334 cases recorded.

The São Paulo government has declared a state of emergency due to the situation, and Jundiaí City Hall is stepping up its actions to combat dengue fever. Teams are spraying vehicles in neighborhoods such as Vila Nambi and Ruy Barbosa, as well as raising awareness among public transport users at bus terminals.

The population is also advised to seek health services if they show symptoms of the disease, such as fever, headache and body aches. Serious cases should be referred to the Hortolândia Emergency Department and the Vetor Oeste UPA.

It is essential that everyone becomes aware of the importance of eliminating possible breeding sites for the Aedes aegypti mosquito in their homes and redoubling their efforts to prevent the spread of dengue fever. Prevention is the best way to fight this preventable disease and save lives.

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