Jundiaí highlights 'City of Children' project at MEC event on integrating sectors

Jundiaí presents 'City of Children' program at MEC seminar on intersectorality

Jundiaí stands out on the national stage by presenting the 'City of Children' during an important seminar promoted by the Ministry of Education (MEC) on intersectorality in education. The Culture manager, Marcelo Peroni, was responsible for representing the city at the event, which brought together public managers from various municipalities in the Southeast region.

The Cidade das Crianças municipal program, which focuses on culture and education, is an example of how intersectorality can be effectively applied in public management. With the active participation of different sectors, such as Education, Health and Social Assistance, Jundiaí has stood out as a benchmark in the development of public policies aimed at children.

In addition, the city is part of international networks, such as the World Network of Children's Cities and the Urban95 Network, which demonstrates Jundiaí's commitment to the well-being and development of children. Participation in the MEC seminar reinforces the prominent role the city has played on the national stage.

With an innovative and integrated approach, the City of Children program's main pillars are listening to children and intersectoral public policies. This initiative has transformed the reality of children in Jundiaí and served as an inspiration for other municipalities seeking to promote a more inclusive and welcoming environment for future generations.

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