Jundiaí leads regional meeting to discuss strategies for vertical elimination of HIV

Jundiaí leads regional meeting to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV

The city of Jundiaí hosted an important regional meeting to discuss the vertical elimination of HIV and Syphilis. The event, organized by the Health Promotion Management Unit, brought together around 60 health professionals from various cities in the region that make up the Regional Health Department - DRS VII.

Vertical transmission occurs when an infected mother transmits the virus to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Jundiaí, which has had no cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV for 12 years, was awarded by the Ministry of Health in 2023 for this achievement, the result of working together to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease.

During the meeting, the professionals discussed the importance of early diagnosis in Primary Care, proper treatment for mothers and babies, and the need for alignment between cities in the region. In addition, questions were raised about congenital syphilis, which can cause serious complications if not treated properly.

Jundiaí offers testing, PEP, PrEP and care through various services, such as the STI/HIV Testing and Counseling Center (CTA) and Primary Care. The municipality also has an Intersectoral Working Group to Investigate the Vertical Transmission of HIV and a care network for pregnant women who use alcohol and other drugs.

The event was an opportunity for professionals to update their knowledge and exchange experiences, reinforcing their commitment to eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis.

Wilian Alencar: