Littlefinger: Incredible, the size and shape of it reveals the person you are!

Little finger reveals who you are!

Strange as it may seem, according to some ancient reading techniques, our little finger can tell us a lot about our character.

What we're going to teach you today is a South Korean method that teaches you how to tell a lot about a person just by looking at their little finger.

How it works:

The length and shape of the little finger are taken into account when taking a reading.

Let's see how it reads for their respective sizes.



It is considered short when its size cannot reach the first joint of the ring finger.

People with this profile are considered reserved and shy and often afraid to follow their dreams.

However, they are the kind of people who dare to do some things because of the goodness in their hearts.

Normal size

The normal finger is the finger that reaches the ring finger joint.

People with a normal finger have a mature and balanced personality and are generally considered cool.

However, they are warm and have a surprising inner richness.



This in turn reaches the first joint of the ring finger.

People like this are passionate, charming, charismatic and enthusiastic.

They often seek attention and people feel happy in their presence.

They are also very talented people, but they need to work hard for their value to be recognized by others.

Same size as the ring finger

People with almost the same size fingers are free, power-hungry and ambitious and usually end up in politics or become celebrities, directors and influential people.

They have a lot of hidden potential, but they can also create major problems.

Positioned below


The finger positioned too low is smaller than the root of the other fingers.

These types of people live in a dream world and are very ambitious - they have lots of plans and are big dreamers.

Square shape

Square shapes are those where the first joint of the finger is reminiscent of a rectangle and its tip is flat.

People with small square-shaped fingers have rare qualities, they usually have a business and are very honest.

They also find it difficult to be friends with people, as they are very sensitive to offenses.

They are also incredible leaders.


People with a stubbed toe have a pointed tip and they are usually known for their amazing public presentations and good writing skills, as well as diplomatic skills.

They easily learn new languages and are good problem solvers.


A bent finger is usually when the finger is bent towards the other fingers.

People with this type of finger usually have problems with confrontation and don't like conflict.

They are peacemakers.

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  1. Pingback: Little Finger: Incredible, the size and shape of it reveals the person you are!

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