Metal Detector Pro App: Advantages and Disadvantages

If you've ever thought of using your iPhone to detect metallic objects, the Metal Detector Pro App could be an interesting option. This app turns your device into a metal detector by using the built-in magnetometer to measure magnetic fields near ferromagnetic objects. Let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of Metal Detector Pro to help you decide whether this app is worth downloading.

Advantages of Metal Detector Pro

1. Ease of use: Metal Detector Pro is extremely easy to use. Simply open the app and bring your iPhone close to metal objects such as keys, coins, speakers and other electronic devices. The intuitive interface makes the process simple, even for beginners.

2. Visual and auditory feedback: The app provides both visual and auditory feedback, letting you know when you are close to a metallic object. This makes detection more accurate and fun, offering a more complete user experience.

3. Fun Mode: In addition to the basic metal detection functionality, Metal Detector Pro includes a fun mode. By covering the iPhone's proximity sensor with your finger, you can trigger an alarm sound while checking on your friends, providing moments of fun and entertainment.

4. Sensitivity adjustment: One of the useful features of Metal Detector Pro is the ability to adjust the sensitivity level of the alarm. This allows you to customize the application according to your specific needs and the environment in which you are using it.

5. Attractive interface: The application has a pleasant, well-designed interface that enhances the user experience. The combination of good looks and practical functionality makes using Metal Detector Pro a pleasant experience.

Disadvantages of the Metal Detector Pro App

1. Entertainment Purpose: It is important to note that Metal Detector Pro is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide the actual functionality of a metal detector. This means that, although it is fun, it should not be used for professional purposes or for serious metal detecting.

2. Magnetometer limitations: The app relies on the iPhone's magnetometer, which has limitations in terms of accuracy and range. It works best with ferromagnetic objects and may not detect non-magnetic metals or objects located at a greater distance.

3. Calibration required: For best results, the application requires calibration by moving the iPhone in the shape of an 8. This can be a bit inconvenient for some users who prefer a more direct and immediate configuration.


Metal Detector Pro is a fun and easy-to-use tool that turns your iPhone into an entertainment metal detector. With visual and auditory feedback, sensitivity adjustment and a fun mode, it offers an enjoyable and interactive experience. However, it is important to remember that the app is intended for entertainment only and should not be used for metal detecting in a professional or serious way. If you're looking for a fun way to explore your surroundings and surprise your friends, Metal Detector Pro is an excellent choice.

To download the app, click on the link below:

Have fun exploring and detecting metal with Metal Detector Pro!