Robinho joins the list of celebrities in Tremembé penitentiary; check out other famous people who are also there

The "prison of the famous": Robinho is the newest member of the celebrity list in Tremembé

Footballer Robinho is the latest member of the list of famous people serving time in the Tremembé penitentiary, in the interior of São Paulo. Arrested on Thursday night, the 21st, in Santos by the Federal Police, the athlete was sentenced to nine years in prison for the crime of rape, determined by the Italian courts.

The decision by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) that Robinho should serve his sentence in Brazil has sparked controversy. The player's defense even requested a writ of habeas corpus from the Supreme Court, but the request was rejected by Justice Luiz Fux. Robinho claims innocence and says the relationship was consensual, accusing the Italian courts of racism.

The Tremembé prison complex is known for housing many famous people convicted of crimes with national repercussions. Among them are Suzane von Richthofen, the Cravinhos brothers, Anna Carolina Jatobá, Alexandre Nardoni, Elize Matsunaga, Gil Rugai, Mizael Bispo, Roger Abdelmassih, Lindemberg Alves, Fabinho Fontes and Pelé's son Edinho.

The Tremembé penitentiary is not maximum security, but it is considered a "model" for other units. Robinho's arrival at the complex reinforces the place's reputation as the "prison of the famous", where personalities convicted of serious crimes serve their sentences.

Wilian Alencar: