Suframa and the Ministry of Science and Technology align RD&I policy for the Manaus Free Trade Zone

MCTI visit to Science, Technology and Innovation Institute supported by the ZFM Information Technology Law

Representatives from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) were in Manaus to discuss adjustments to the Manaus Free Trade Zone Information Technology Law. As well as meeting with the Suframa team, the representatives also visited a local Science, Technology and Innovation Institute (ICT).

A visita teve como objetivo trocar experiências e aprimorar conhecimentos sobre a política de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (PD&I) da região. Um dos pontos discutidos foi a aplicação em Fundos de Investimento em Participações (FIPs), modalidade de investimento inaugurada pela Portaria 1.753/2018.

Suframa has been working diligently with the MCTI and the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC) to identify joint actions aimed at standardizing norms and measures. Suframa's superintendent, Bosco Saraiva, highlighted the importance of the IT Law for the region and the need for adjustments to strengthen the policy as a whole.

The general coordinator for Digital Innovation at the MCTI, Rubens Souza, thanked the Suframa team for their welcome and stressed the importance of the moment to make progress on the regulatory adjustments. The presence of the MCTI in Manaus was seen as fundamental for the development of the region and to guarantee transparency and control in the monitoring of the resources of the Information Technology Law.

Com informações e fotos da Assessoria da Suframa, a visita dos representantes do MCTI em Manaus promete trazer avanços e melhorias na política de PD&I da região, beneficiando o desenvolvimento tecnológico e inovador da Zona Franca de Manaus.

Wilian Alencar:
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