The 14 foreign films nominated for the Oscar for Best Picture

The evolution of representation at the Oscars: from lack of recognition to diversity of nominees

Recognizing international film productions and minority artists has been a constant challenge in the history of the Oscars. With only 14 non-English language films nominated for Best Picture in 96 years, the Academy has been criticized for its lack of representation.

Desde clássicos como “A Grande Ilusão” da França em 1939 até produções mais recentes como “Parasita” da Coreia do Sul em 2020, a lista de indicados não-americanos tem crescido ao longo dos anos. O movimento #OscarsSoWhite teve um papel importante nessa mudança, pressionando a premiação a considerar obras de diferentes origens.

Com filmes como “Drive My Car” do Japão em 2022 e “Nada de Novo no Front” da Alemanha em 2023, a tendência de inclusão e diversidade tem se fortalecido. Em 2024, obras como “Anatomia de uma Queda” da França e “Zona de Interesse” do Reino Unido/Alemanha estão na disputa, mostrando a variedade de talentos ao redor do mundo.

In addition, actors such as Lily Gladstone, of Native American origin, and films with Korean casts are gaining prominence, opening up space for communities that were previously poorly represented. The landscape is changing and the expectation is that more countries and minorities will be recognized and awarded in the future.

It's an exciting time for the global film industry, where the quality and diversity of productions are being increasingly valued. Here's to more incredible films and inspiring stories to delight audiences around the world!

Wilian Alencar:
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