A magic recipe to treat varicose veins and even thrombosis with just 2 simple ingredients.

Varicose veins and even thrombosis can be treated with 2 ingredients!

Varicose veins and even thrombosis, are 2 common aesthetic problems that can affect both men and women, especially women.

Although it's a common health problem that affects more women, we can't rule out the fact that it can happen to anyone.

We also have to mention that they also become an aesthetic problem.

There are several reasons why this can happen.

Well, it's really frustrating, the aesthetic issue. We feel uncomfortable and end up hiding the problem by covering ourselves with clothes.

This health problem is usually found in our legs and ankles.

Varicose veins arise as a result of damaged valves and veins, due to excess weight, lack of exercise, injuries, blood clots, pregnancy, and if you stand or sit for a long time.

Well, you should know that these swollen, distended and twisted veins cannot deliver blood flow to the heart.

This blood then accumulates in these veins, which in turn can block the deeper veins and cause deep vein thrombosis.

That's why you should treat this health problem in time. Because if you wait, you may not be able to treat it.

First of all, you should know that you should eat healthy food, and that you need to exercise every day.

You shouldn't sit all the time.

And very importantly, you can try this natural home remedy.

This miraculous home remedy is truly incredible. You'll be amazed at the results.

This remedy is very simple and easy to make, just follow the instructions below.

Recipe to treat varicose veins and even thrombosis


  • 1 glass of goat's milk
  • 1 baby soap


First of all, you need to grind the baby soap

Then add the sheep's milk.

You should keep this remedy in a plastic container and store it in your fridge.

How to use:

You need to put compresses with this homemade mixture on the affected areas.

You should rub the mixture up and down the skin 3 times a day. You'll be amazed at the results.

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