Vivara to announce new CEO soon, PRIO plans to increase capital by R$ 200 million and other market news

Corporate Movements and Financial Results: Highlights of the Corporate News this Monday (25)

The corporate news is busy this Monday (25), with several new developments in the market. Vivara was surprised to announce that Nelson Kaufman has stepped down as CEO of the company, handing over the position to Otavio Lyra. Meanwhile, Ultrapar acquired a stake in the logistics carrier Hidrovias do Brasil, raising its share in the company to 21.87%. In addition, PRIO approved a capital increase of R$ 200 million and Gol released its monthly operating report, highlighting a net loss of R$ 135 million in January. Boa Safra Sementes is also planning a public offering of shares worth at least R$ 200 million. Stay up to date with all these movements in the financial market.

Wilian Alencar: