Women continue to be under-represented in the direction of major national films in 2022

Gender and race inequalities in Brazilian cinema: an analysis of the Gemaa survey (1995-2022)

The survey carried out by the Group for Multidisciplinary Studies on Affirmative Action (Gemaa) revealed alarming data on representation in Brazilian cinema. According to the survey, no mainstream film released in 2022 was directed by women, making this the sixth consecutive year without any female directors in this segment.

The analysis also pointed out that, over the years, women in general have not managed to occupy prominent positions in the direction of mainstream films, with an even more unfavorable situation for black women. Since 1995, no feature film of this profile has been directed by a black woman.

On the other hand, the presence of black men directing mainstream films has increased, with two films directed by black men in 2022. However, gender and race inequality still persists, with white men dominating positions of power in Brazilian cinema.

The survey also showed that women are still in the minority when it comes to screenwriting, with white men predominating in this role. The lack of representation of women and black people in prominent positions in Brazilian cinema is evident and reflects the inequalities present in society.

In view of this data, Gemaa stresses the importance of public policies that promote diversity and inclusion in Brazilian cinema, such as special notices and affirmative action. Changing this scenario depends on support and encouragement so that more women and black people can occupy prominent positions in the national audiovisual industry.

Wilian Alencar:
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