News from the Federal University of Santa Catarina

UFSC professors decide to reject strike as of April 15

Professors at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) decide to reject indefinite strike action

UFSC teachers affiliated to Apufsc-Sindical have voted against joining the national teachers' strike from April 15. In an electronic vote held between April 3 and 6, 1,118 people took part, with 582 against the strike, 512 in favor and 24 blank votes.

The question put to the teachers, approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting, was clear: "Are you in favor of the UFSC teachers joining the national teachers' strike starting on April 15?". With the majority of votes against the strike, the category decided not to stop its activities.

The Board of Apufsc-Sindical highlighted the active participation of the category in the decisions and reinforced its commitment to seeking positive results in the national negotiations scheduled for next week. The Board's position has always been not to trivialize the strike instrument, prioritizing dialogue and negotiation.

In addition, negotiating tables are scheduled for next week, with the eighth meeting of the National Permanent Negotiating Table (MNNP) convened by the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI) and the first meeting of the MEC's Permanent Sectoral Negotiating Table, which aims to debate the agendas presented.

With information from Apufsc-Sindical, the professors of UFSC are committed to finding solutions to their demands, prioritizing dialogue and negotiation in search of improvements for the category.

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